Registration to Construction Goes Circular® conference, October 11, 2023 begins in May

👋 Please note, that registration to event is not yet open. For early inquiries, please contact us or send us a message at “Contact Us” or e-mail to

Registration to Construction Goes Circular® Conference opens in May.

The Construction Goes Circular conference is aimed to attract around 200+ international participants to experience world-class presentations on practical solutions for circular economy in the construction industry. It also facilitates networking between industry representatives, scientific community, policy makers, and other professionals.

Cancellation policy

The registration is binding.

If the registrant is unable to attend the event for any reason, they may substitute someone else to attend in their place by informing us at

If the registrant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to another person, the following cancellation and refund arrangements apply:

  • Registrations cancelled after August 31, but before September 20, are eligible for a 50% refund of the conference fees paid.

  • Registrations cancelled after September 20, are not eligible for refund.

Peikko Group Corporation is the main organizer of this event. Peikko will take care of all communication as well as event management of the event. See Peikko's privacy policy here.